Men's Ministry

Our Men's Ministry endeavors to

"present every man complete in Christ" 

(Colossians 1:28)

Bible Study

New Study! Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically

When: Thursday Nights at 6:30pm

Where: Fourway Baptist Church

Facilitated by David Nigro. Meal Provided.

Each week’s lesson is preceded by a brief historical profile of a notable man or woman of God such as George Muller, A. W. Tozer, Samuel Rutherford, Charles Spurgeon, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Amy Carmichael, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, George Whitefield, Daniel Rowland and Jonathan Edwards.

The heart of each DVD is a 30-minute lesson on one aspect of the Christian life and how it is affected by a biblical rethinking of God’s character. The teaching sessions are led by Dr. John Snyder, pastor of Christ Church in New Albany, Mississippi.

Annual Mens & Boys Camping Retreat

August 2nd - 4th at the Chambers Lake Area

See David Nigro for more information!

  • Men and Boys of all ages welcome. Bring your own campers, tents and fishing gear
  • Meals provided Friday evening, Saturday morning & evening, Sunday morning***
  • Bible Study/Teaching/Fellowship
  • Sign up HERE or at the Welcome Center
  • For more information, contact David Nigro 720-203-5638

***This event is free to all but donations are appreciated for the cost of food that is provided